
Containers and Psychic Care

Issue 1 : April, 2011
ISBN : 9782749213750

Before working out the meaning of entering an institution and the unconscious conflicts that dominate this frequently acute and inordinate life period, the institution needs to become the container of the acute expressions of its patients, generally in crisis, in a great psychological or somatical abandonment, by becoming a protective shield. The institution that takes over this role of welcoming and containment becomes a place where a psychological conflict can take place, in as much as it enables the psychic conflictuality to express itself in order to let the various forces present meet and be told on the institutional stage, so that a transformation process can be started. The idea of containment seems to be quite an issue in the field of institutional care. Care devices are places capable of receiving multiple expressions of various patients and insure the continuity of the institutional envelope and at the same time focus on antagonistic and conflictual movements, individual and collective, which will not stop being worked upon, tested, deforming the “membrane” of this containing envelope… Through their various clinical experiences in different care structures, the authors of this issue demonstrate the importance of this notion within institutional care and how it echoes with other notions such as differentiation, rhythm, space, time, identification, subjective appropriation, institutional holding and survival.


Morgane BILLARD - Michael BRUN - Dana CASTRO - Charlotte COSTANTINO - Pierre DELION - Stephane DEROCHE - Mathilde DU COLOMBIER - Catherine DUCARRE - Elisabeth FERREIRA - Christophe FERVEUR - Faroudja HOCINI - Clarisse JEGHERS - Francis KATCHADOURIAN - Marie KUNTZ-CONSTANTIN - Julie PLATIAU - Flora SAMBA - Audrey VAN CAEYSEELE - Catherine ZOUTE

Table of contents

Editorial. P de Saint Jacob

Introduction. C. Costantino


On the Threshold of Case Management

Patient Information and Coordination Group. F. Katchadourian and J. Platiau

Caring for the Psychotic : Institutional Psychopathology of Daily Life. P. Delion

Metamorphosis of Demand and Institutional Operations. Containers of Psychic Suffering at All Levels. M. Costantin-Kuntz, F. Samba, D. Castro and C. Zoute


Group Approaches

The Containing Function, Groups, and Care Institutions. M. Billard and C. Costantino

How to Contain what we do not Understand ? Therapist-Patient Meetings at Orgemont. C. Ducarre


Institutional Life

The Containing Function in a Cancer Clinic. Richness and Complexities of the Subsidiary Care Envelope. M. Du Colombier

Dementia and the Containing Function. E. Ferreira

Questions About a Borderline Case in an Institution. S. Déroche


From Mediation to Containment

Adolescence and the Passive Voice. Theme and Variations in Two Voices. Hysteria and Narcissism. F. Hocini and C. Ferveur

Therapeutic Workshop Using Clay : Creation, Destruction and Trace. M. Brun, C. Jeghers and A. Van Caeyselle.

See also

Le Symptôme : un allié?

The symptom : a ally?

L'insolence du symptôme

The insolence of the symptom

Intimité dévoilée, intime à retrouver

Intimacy unveiled, intimate to be regained

L'intime à l'épreuve de la vie institutionnelle

The Challenge of Intimacy in a Care Institution

Faut-il avoir peur des institutions de soin?

Should we be Afraid of Care Institutions?

Les figures de la peur en institution

Fear figures in the institution

La vie quotidienne en institution : aliénation ou libération ?

Everyday Life in institutions : alienation or freedom?

La vie quotidienne : le véritable enjeu du soin psychique en institution ?

« Everyday Life : Institutional Care’s True Stake ? »

Les fonctions de la répétition

Repetition’s Functions

La répétition : entre résistance et changement

Repetition : from Resistance to Change ?

Les médiations : un dispositif thérapeutique ?

Mediations : a therapeutic device ?

Médiations, lien et symbolisation

Mediations, bonding and symbolization

L'acte : court-circuit ou relance ?

The act : short circuit or revival ?

Clinique de l'agir : décharge ou adresse objectale ?

Acting Out : Discharge or Object Intent?

La dépendance : de la fusion à la confusion

Dependency : from Fusion to Confusion

Dépendances avec fin, dépendances sans fin

Dependency with an End, Dependency without End

Ordres et désordres de l'oralité aux différents âges de la vie

Orality Orders and Disorders at Different Times of Life

Du traumatisme aux voies thérapeutiques possibles

From Trauma to Possible Therapeutic Paths

De la perte au renoncement

From Loss to Renunciation

Les enjeux de la pluridisciplarité

The Challenges of Multidisciplinarity

De l'effraction au traumatisme

From Intrusion to Trauma

Contenance et soin psychique

Containers and Psychic Care


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