
Fear figures in the institution

Issue 17 : June, 2019
ISBN : 9782749263090

Generally, one enters an institution to find shelter, by fear of a reality sometimes perceived as too oppressive, or by fear of an overwhelming internal life. Generally, the first intention of care institutions that welcome psychologically ill patients is to soothe the fear. However, it is quite difficult for caregivers to perceive the unconscious and archaic anguishes that fear contains; anguishes that words cannot always describe and that are often hidden by all sorts of behavioural expressions. By trying to acknowledge countertransference, those who work around psychological care in institutions can try to contain and sometimes transform infantile fears that are hidden by adult psychological disorders. These fears take the shape of stories that are told to children: from the creepy monster that is encountered in autism and dementia to the big bad wolf of unbridled drives but also the ghosts present in abandonment and death or even violent and vicious daemons. These fears lead to various symptomatic expressions on different levels that reveal a potential psychological life as long as they are told and questioned rather than denied or suppressed.


Table of contents


Patrick de Saint-Jacob

Introducing the Though

Introduction, Charlotte COSTANTINO

Fear of Death, Death Anxiety, Ego Defense, Francis PASCHE

Faceless Monsters…

Faceless in the Mirror, Laurent DANON BOILEAU

Dementias: Unnamed Terrors, Catherine CALECA

Fear and Gregarious Drive during Institution Transitions, Charlotte COSTANTINO

Night Ghosts…

Fear at the Dawn of Life, Sylvain MISSONNIER

Patient’s Autonomy: From a Caring Proposal to a Harmful Ideology?, Marie-Laure LEANDRI

The Institution and its Ghosts, Pascal HACHET

Welcoming Singularity in Geriatrics Institutions, Véronique LEFEBVRE des NOETTES et Anna SOUBIGOU

Confronting Daemons…

When Fear Creeps into the Relationship: A Borderline Experience of Social Support, Daniel LAMBELET

Countertransference Figures in Psychological Trauma, Mathilde LAROCHE-JOUBERT

From Destructive Fear to Restoring Creativity, Janine MERY

See also

Le Symptôme : un allié?

The symptom : a ally?

L'insolence du symptôme

The insolence of the symptom

Intimité dévoilée, intime à retrouver

Intimacy unveiled, intimate to be regained

L'intime à l'épreuve de la vie institutionnelle

The Challenge of Intimacy in a Care Institution

Faut-il avoir peur des institutions de soin?

Should we be Afraid of Care Institutions?

Les figures de la peur en institution

Fear figures in the institution

La vie quotidienne en institution : aliénation ou libération ?

Everyday Life in institutions : alienation or freedom?

La vie quotidienne : le véritable enjeu du soin psychique en institution ?

« Everyday Life : Institutional Care’s True Stake ? »

Les fonctions de la répétition

Repetition’s Functions

La répétition : entre résistance et changement

Repetition : from Resistance to Change ?

Les médiations : un dispositif thérapeutique ?

Mediations : a therapeutic device ?

Médiations, lien et symbolisation

Mediations, bonding and symbolization

L'acte : court-circuit ou relance ?

The act : short circuit or revival ?

Clinique de l'agir : décharge ou adresse objectale ?

Acting Out : Discharge or Object Intent?

La dépendance : de la fusion à la confusion

Dependency : from Fusion to Confusion

Dépendances avec fin, dépendances sans fin

Dependency with an End, Dependency without End

Ordres et désordres de l'oralité aux différents âges de la vie

Orality Orders and Disorders at Different Times of Life

Du traumatisme aux voies thérapeutiques possibles

From Trauma to Possible Therapeutic Paths

De la perte au renoncement

From Loss to Renunciation

Les enjeux de la pluridisciplarité

The Challenges of Multidisciplinarity

De l'effraction au traumatisme

From Intrusion to Trauma

Contenance et soin psychique

Containers and Psychic Care


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