
Should we be Afraid of Care Institutions?

Issue 18 : October, 2019
ISBN : 9782749265094

Care institutions are expected to be a perpetuation of the protective and containing aspects of parenthood: protective towards external threats, containing against the internal instincts and distress. But in order to ensure this function, to offer the stability and the necessary understanding for this role and to avoid the recurrence of failures and traumas, it is important to identify with what people are experiencing. This implies being able to hear and bear the more or less archaic or neurotic fears and anxieties that caregivers are led to experience in their counter-transference, often on the register of primary identification: fears of drive overflow, death and abandonment anxieties, fear and hate of others, nameless dread… Institutions can be echo chambers of fears and generate defences and splits within teams that are at least as marked and paralyzing as in the intra-psychic world of the patients. The risk can therefore be that the institution will sacrifice its nursing function to ensure its survival. How can we tolerate fear, talk about it freely, so that the institution does not become a mortifying and abusive place, a place where the defences are so rigid that any impulsive or empathetic movement freezes ?


Avec la participation de Cécile ANTIGNY, Elodie BARNA, Garance BELAMICH, Paloma Louzada BODANESE, Raphaëlle BORDEREAUX, Sylvie BOURDET-LOUBERE, Gérard CHIMISANAS, Paul DENIS, Jean-Baptiste DESVEAUX, Valérie DRUELLE, Catherine DUCARRE, Marie ESCUDIE, Carole GEOFFROY-ROMANE, Irina KATZ-MAZILU, Anne-Valérie MAZOYER, Gérard PIRLOT, Sandy RAGU, Samuel RASSINON, Raphaël RIAND, Anne-Clémence SCHOM, Nathalie TESTUD,  Linda TROMELEUE, Donald Woods WINNICOTT, Silvia Maria ABU-JAMRA ZORNIG.

Table of contents


Patrick de Saint-Jacob

Introducing the Thought

 Introduction », Catherine DUCARRE
Fear of breakdown, Donald Woods WINNICOTT

Fear of annihilation

The Ogress Institution, Paul DENIS

Group fears, fears in group: Resistance to the group Psychoanalytical approach in Institutions, Raphaël RIAND, Cécile ANTIGNY et Anne-Clémence SCHOM

Projective Identification and Health Staff : impasses and possibilities, Paloma Louzada BODANESE et Silvia Maria ABU-JAMRA ZORNIG

From Fear of Relationships to Separation in Children and Adolescent Homes, Gérard CHIMISANAS

Fear without limits

I’m afraid I can’t stop” Fear of Instinctual Drive in a young Anorexic woman, Garance BELAMICH

When Healthcare Practitioner’s Fear is acted upon instead of being thought through, Elodie BARNA, Raphaëlle BORDEREAUX, Valérie DRUELLE, Sandy RAGU et Nathalie TESTUD

Fear Within the Institution and the Caregiver-Patient Relationship, Marie ESCUDIE

Prison, a (non) care Institution and Art Therapy, Irina KATZ-MAZILU.

Fear of  encountering others

From Insecurity to Institutional Encounters for Adolescents. Transference, Daydream and Transformation,  Jean-Baptiste DESVEAUX

A Path towards Reciprocity in Healthcare Welcome of Homeless People, Carole GEOFFROY-ROMANE, Sylvie BOURDET-LOUBERE, Anne-Valérie MAZOYER et Gérard PIRLOT

Our Caregivers Fears in an Institution, how to Defend Ourselves as well as to elaborate, Cécile ANTIGNY

See also

Le Symptôme : un allié?

The symptom : a ally?

L'insolence du symptôme

The insolence of the symptom

Intimité dévoilée, intime à retrouver

Intimacy unveiled, intimate to be regained

L'intime à l'épreuve de la vie institutionnelle

The Challenge of Intimacy in a Care Institution

Faut-il avoir peur des institutions de soin?

Should we be Afraid of Care Institutions?

Les figures de la peur en institution

Fear figures in the institution

La vie quotidienne en institution : aliénation ou libération ?

Everyday Life in institutions : alienation or freedom?

La vie quotidienne : le véritable enjeu du soin psychique en institution ?

« Everyday Life : Institutional Care’s True Stake ? »

Les fonctions de la répétition

Repetition’s Functions

La répétition : entre résistance et changement

Repetition : from Resistance to Change ?

Les médiations : un dispositif thérapeutique ?

Mediations : a therapeutic device ?

Médiations, lien et symbolisation

Mediations, bonding and symbolization

L'acte : court-circuit ou relance ?

The act : short circuit or revival ?

Clinique de l'agir : décharge ou adresse objectale ?

Acting Out : Discharge or Object Intent?

La dépendance : de la fusion à la confusion

Dependency : from Fusion to Confusion

Dépendances avec fin, dépendances sans fin

Dependency with an End, Dependency without End

Ordres et désordres de l'oralité aux différents âges de la vie

Orality Orders and Disorders at Different Times of Life

Du traumatisme aux voies thérapeutiques possibles

From Trauma to Possible Therapeutic Paths

De la perte au renoncement

From Loss to Renunciation

Les enjeux de la pluridisciplarité

The Challenges of Multidisciplinarity

De l'effraction au traumatisme

From Intrusion to Trauma

Contenance et soin psychique

Containers and Psychic Care


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