
Dependency : from Fusion to Confusion

Issue 8 : October, 2014
ISBN : 9782749241821

Dependency, no matter what clinical form it beholds, generally hides various states of loss and is felt as a sort of imposed passiveness which leads to feelings of deprivation, submission, intrusion, hold and may reveal ancient anguishes which go back to early childhood. Not only can dependency be the consequence of such or such somatic or psychological state, but it is often reinforced by the institutionalization situation itself. Individuals can no longer count upon themselves; they are separated from their beloved ones and are compelled to depend on an Institution and its protagonists. Entering an institution or a hospitalization is already bearing the promise of a dependency, the promise of a regression. But the balance between the necessary, regressive and transitory dependency and one that only repeats in a sterile matter old schemes which don’t make sense is not that steady. The Institution can also become the place for an alienating dependency which stops all separation possibilities. Dependency states also confront to a more or less important failure of the individual’s narcissistic balance. This threat obviously plays on the individual but also on the institutions which work with dependency. How can we always stay benevolent towards a patient whom, by the nature of his extreme dependency, confronts the caregiver to his powerlessness? Is this where the abusive drift appears? Is it when we feel like a bad caregiver that we become abusive, as a way of disguising our reproach for not healing? Could the abuse be linked to this ideal of an absolute autonomy undermined by dependency?


Benjamin ARTAUD, Mathilde BOUYCHOU, Alain BRACONNIER, Pierre-Marie CHARAZAC, Guillemine CHAUDOYE, Claude CLOES, Marie CONSTANTIN-KUNTZ, Charlotte COSTANTINO, Dominique CUPA, Patrick DE SAINT-JACOB, Mathilde DU COLOMBIER, Catherine DUCARRE, Pierre GAUDRIAULT, Steve GEYER, Francis KATCHADOURIAN, Marie-Agnès LANGUETTE, Géraldine MORIN, Élodie PONS, Hélène RIAZUELO, René ROUSSILLON, Jacqueline TRAN, Audrey VAN CAEYSEELE, Cécile YDIRE, Catherine ZOUTE

Table of contents

Editorial. P de Saint Jacob

Introduction. Dependency : From Fusion to Confusion. C. Costantino


Dependency from Birth to Senescence

Setting Apart from Maternal Projections : a Vital Issue A Mother and Baby Unit Experience. C. Ducarre

How to Meet with the Ideality Disease at Adolescence ? A. Braconnier, C. Costantino

From Dependency to Passion in Geriatic Institutions. P.-M. Charazac


From Dependency to Autonomy

The Separation Processes in Institutions : from Symbiosis to Bonding. G. Morin, M. Bouychou, A. Van Caeyseele

The Care Pathway in Adult Psychiatry: from Hospitalization to Outpatient Care, from the Regressive Movement to Autonomy. M. Constantin-Kuntz, É. Pons, B. Artaud, C. Zoute, J. Tran

The Care Program: from Dependency to Autonomy ? S. Geyer


Ideal and Violences within Dependent Relationships

The Caregiver and Narcissistic Identification in Psychic Care Work. R. Roussillon

The Psychic Separation Issue with Children in Institutions: the Pink Soldier’s Children. C. Ydire, P. Gaudriault

The Hazards of Dependency in Psychiatry or when the Institution Becomes Alienating. C. Cloës


From Necessary Dependency to Imposed Dependency

Consenting to Dependency? Art-therapy in Psychiatry. M.-A. Languette, F. Katchadourian

When Dependency is a Matter of Survival: Clinical Practice with Dialysis Patients. H. Riazuelo, D. Cupa, G. Chaudoye

Clinical Thoughts on Vulnerability in the Care Relationship in Cancerology. M. du Colombier


See also

Le Symptôme : un allié?

The symptom : a ally?

L'insolence du symptôme

The insolence of the symptom

Intimité dévoilée, intime à retrouver

Intimacy unveiled, intimate to be regained

L'intime à l'épreuve de la vie institutionnelle

The Challenge of Intimacy in a Care Institution

Faut-il avoir peur des institutions de soin?

Should we be Afraid of Care Institutions?

Les figures de la peur en institution

Fear figures in the institution

La vie quotidienne en institution : aliénation ou libération ?

Everyday Life in institutions : alienation or freedom?

La vie quotidienne : le véritable enjeu du soin psychique en institution ?

« Everyday Life : Institutional Care’s True Stake ? »

Les fonctions de la répétition

Repetition’s Functions

La répétition : entre résistance et changement

Repetition : from Resistance to Change ?

Les médiations : un dispositif thérapeutique ?

Mediations : a therapeutic device ?

Médiations, lien et symbolisation

Mediations, bonding and symbolization

L'acte : court-circuit ou relance ?

The act : short circuit or revival ?

Clinique de l'agir : décharge ou adresse objectale ?

Acting Out : Discharge or Object Intent?

La dépendance : de la fusion à la confusion

Dependency : from Fusion to Confusion

Dépendances avec fin, dépendances sans fin

Dependency with an End, Dependency without End

Ordres et désordres de l'oralité aux différents âges de la vie

Orality Orders and Disorders at Different Times of Life

Du traumatisme aux voies thérapeutiques possibles

From Trauma to Possible Therapeutic Paths

De la perte au renoncement

From Loss to Renunciation

Les enjeux de la pluridisciplarité

The Challenges of Multidisciplinarity

De l'effraction au traumatisme

From Intrusion to Trauma

Contenance et soin psychique

Containers and Psychic Care


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