
Orality Orders and Disorders at Different Times of Life

Issue 6 : October, 2013
ISBN : 9782749239170

Human orality largely trespasses nutritional orality and covers a much bigger field than the only functional use of mouth. Orality is the link between somatic and psychic, from act to speech, at the crossroads of different drives, and becomes an opening between interior and exterior. It is also what makes the link, what creates a relation between the other and the world. Orality is therefore not only fundamental for our physiological survival but also the psychological one in as much as it places us in the intertwining relationship of man’s community. It also creates the first encounter with the world, develops infantile sexuality and supports the identity in as much as it is part of the foundations of identificatory realms. Digestion, physiological and psychological, will, during development, not only enable the incorporation but will support the appropriation process which transforms the non-Ego into Ego, the foreign object as part of oneself. From primary to secondary orality, we abandon the incorporation for more complex introjection processes.

Retreat, fixation or putting offside an operating orality, its major dysfunctions are the first stigmas of a major difficulty for an individual to be with himself and the others. Refusing to eat, or just filling up without nourishing, is attacking the connections of all nature (physiological, psychological or relational), it is refusing the measured relationship with another, it is fearing on one side intrusion, invasion, and on the other the emptiness of solitude, it is giving oneself the illusion of a reassuring autonomy, believing we do not need anyone or anything. It is often being scared of what is coming as well as being nostalgic of the past. It is breaking the relationship, in all cases, because we are scared of growing up, or because we are going to die, or because we are afraid of aging… When orality is troubled, it is not only the body that agonizes but also the psychic life, opening up to the other. Orality disorders at different times of life often translate an existential standstill. How do institutions and professionals accompany them? What answers are to be brought to different orality disorders? How can an operating oral function be accompanied in its reestablishment but also in its weaning which is the condition to the release from care?


Cécile ANTIGNY, Guillemette BALSAN, Linda BENATTAR, Nathalie BOIGE, Agnes BONNET, Thomas CASCALES, Colette COMBE, Gerard CUVELIER, Ophélie ENGASSER, Agnes GIBOREAU, Patrice HUERRE, Francis KATCHADOURIAN, Veronique LAURENT, Marie LE FOURN, Sylvain MISSONNIER, Luc MONNE DAO, Viriginie POUYET, Anna REGOL

Table of contents

Editorial. P de Saint Jacob

Introduction. C. Costantino


Clinical Crossroads

From Taking Action to the Introjection of Instincts in Institutional Therapy: Orality in Question. V. Laurent

Too Much Weight, Too Much What? P. Huerre

A Story of Obesity: When Weight Looks for a Limit. C. Antigny

The Young Girl with a Trunk: Thoughts About Refeeding in the Institutional Treatment of a Female Adolescent Hospitalized for Severe Anorexia Nervosa. G. Balsan

Maternal “Ravishment and Ravages,” a Clinical Observation of Femininity: From an Anorectic Reaction to a Melancholic Position. F. Katchadourian


Therapeutic Changes

Orality Disorders at the Dawn of Life: Between Pediatrics and Psychoanalysis. N. Boige, S. Missonnier

Weaning: An Organizing Time for Orality. T. Cascales

Writing Instead of Screaming: For a Clinical Diagnosis of Orality in Dementia. O. Engasser

Rap and Orality. A. Regol, A. Bonnet


Intersecting Reflections

Human Disaggregated Oral Manifestations and Ethics of Identification. C. Combe

Vampiric Process in Eating Disorders. L. Monné Dao

Encountering the Food, Nourishing the Encounter and Representations How to Question the Construction of the Ego through Nourishment. M. Le Fourn

Food Perception, Preferences, and Intake for Elderly People with Alzheimer’s Disease. V. Pouyet, A. Giboreau, G. Cuvelier, L. Benattar

See also

Le Symptôme : un allié?

The symptom : a ally?

L'insolence du symptôme

The insolence of the symptom

Intimité dévoilée, intime à retrouver

Intimacy unveiled, intimate to be regained

L'intime à l'épreuve de la vie institutionnelle

The Challenge of Intimacy in a Care Institution

Faut-il avoir peur des institutions de soin?

Should we be Afraid of Care Institutions?

Les figures de la peur en institution

Fear figures in the institution

La vie quotidienne en institution : aliénation ou libération ?

Everyday Life in institutions : alienation or freedom?

La vie quotidienne : le véritable enjeu du soin psychique en institution ?

« Everyday Life : Institutional Care’s True Stake ? »

Les fonctions de la répétition

Repetition’s Functions

La répétition : entre résistance et changement

Repetition : from Resistance to Change ?

Les médiations : un dispositif thérapeutique ?

Mediations : a therapeutic device ?

Médiations, lien et symbolisation

Mediations, bonding and symbolization

L'acte : court-circuit ou relance ?

The act : short circuit or revival ?

Clinique de l'agir : décharge ou adresse objectale ?

Acting Out : Discharge or Object Intent?

La dépendance : de la fusion à la confusion

Dependency : from Fusion to Confusion

Dépendances avec fin, dépendances sans fin

Dependency with an End, Dependency without End

Ordres et désordres de l'oralité aux différents âges de la vie

Orality Orders and Disorders at Different Times of Life

Du traumatisme aux voies thérapeutiques possibles

From Trauma to Possible Therapeutic Paths

De la perte au renoncement

From Loss to Renunciation

Les enjeux de la pluridisciplarité

The Challenges of Multidisciplinarity

De l'effraction au traumatisme

From Intrusion to Trauma

Contenance et soin psychique

Containers and Psychic Care


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